How To Reduce Cholesterol level

Is Cholesterol that bad?

I’m sure you’ve come across many oils that people say are cholesterol free. .

Is this substance really that bad.

Well…, we are about to find out.

It does some major jobs in the body.

Some of these jobs include

  • making hormones,
  • making vitamin D and
  • making fluids that break down food.

It is also very helpful in the brain as it makes up 25% of it. It helps the nerves to function well and sends messages to the different parts of the body.
It also helps with the making of bile which is needed to break down food and take nutrients from food for the body. .

So why do many people say it is bad?

Well this is the reason.

To know why, we need to know what cholesterol is and what it contains.

It is a thick waxy substance that travels in the blood in bundles called lipoproteins

There are three types:

  • low density lipoproteins referred to as LDL,
  • high density lipoproteins referred to as HDL and
  • triglycerides.

Low density lipoproteins(LDL) are substances that contain a little protein and a lot of cholesterol
High density lipoproteins(HDL) contain a lot of protein and a small amount of cholesterol.

Triglycerides are fat stores in the body. When the body has fat it doesn’t need it stores it as triglycerides. When one is hungry or needs strength, the body breaks this down and uses it.
LDLs flow to the blood vessels while HDLs flow to the liver.

All the above are needed in certain amounts in the body.

The problem is when they are too much and they start to block the blood vessels through which they flow.

So when is it to much?

LDLs should be less than 110mg/dl
HDLs should be 45mg/dL or more
Triglycerides should be less than 150mg/dl

To much or to little is not good.

When LDLs are to much in the blood , they start sticking to the walls of the blood vessels.

With time they will form a substance called plaque that hardens the walls of the blood vessels .

This substance will also block the blood vessels or reduce the space through which blood flows.. When this happens in the brain it can lead to a stroke.

In the heart it can lead to pain, a mild issue or a very bad issue like a heart issue.

Blockage of blood flow in any part of the body will first cause pain and later on can cause worse issues with the organs.

HDLs on the other hand, take LDLs back to the liver where they are broken down further.
HDLs are referred to as good cholesterol while LDLs are referred to as bad cholesterol.

The next question is how does one know their current cholesterol level?

Well…. it’s simple just go for a test called a lipid profile test. You will need to fast for at least 12 hours before the test.

Once you know your levels it is a must that you start taking necessary steps to keeping it low it if it’s ok, or bringing it down it if it is high.

Cholesterol can be lowered by changing some common things you do daily. Like eating fried, processed or fast food and not moving. You can decide to start eating healthy food and exercise.

Two diets, that have been found to help with reducing cholesterol. The Dash diet( Also know as dietary approaches to hypertension) or the Mediterranean diet this is a diet that individuals who live in the Mediterranean eat.

Here’s what both contain

  1. Fibre
  2. Fruit
  3. Vegetables
  4. Legumes
  5. Fish
  6. Nuts and seeds

Other lifestyle changes that will help include – moving more, stopping smoking, limiting a sedentary lifestyle

So this is basically what you should eat regularly if you want to reduce your cholesterol without drugs.

  • Foods with a high fiber content. Cereals like oats and many other whole grains fall into this category.
  • A wide variety of fruits and vegetables
  • Baked, boiled or roasted foods instead of fried foods


  • Foods high in trans fats and saturated fats and don’t be deceived just because it says cholesterol free. If it contains trans fat they may still be cholesterol.

A big secret most of the cholesterol is from animals to be precise vegetables don’t contain cholesterol. So vegetable oil is cholesterol free but it contains hydrogenated oils which are not good for your health. So it should be avoided completely.

Also meat should be avoided as both red meat and white meat have cholesterol. One is not necessarily better than the other.

Fish on the other hand is rich in omega 3 oils.

So now you have this knowledge what steps should you start taking today to have a normal cholesterol level.

A.Avoid the following they are sources of high cholesterol

  1. red meat, organ meats, egg yolks, and high-fat dairy products
  2. processed foods made with cocoa butter, palm oil, or coconut oil
  3. deep fried foods, such as potato chips, onion rings, and fried chicken
  4. certain baked goods, such as some cookies and muffins
    B. Eat wholesome unprocessed food
    C. Exercise
    D. If you smoke stop smoking

If It’s tough pouting all this together and deciding what to eat.

I perfectly understand that’s why I will be holding a paid class Feb 24th that shows you how to reduce your blood pressure with food.

When you attend this session you also

  • get access to my essential oil training class
  • Get an ebook on smoothies that reduce blood pressure
  • An ebook on juices that reduce blood pressure

The entire session and the two ebooks is valued at N25000.

But you get it for N15000

Fast action takers will get it at N 6500.

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