How To Eat The Right Amount Of Fruits And Vegetables Every Day

Blood pressure is the force that moves blood through a blood vessel. Your blood pressure can either be high, low or stable. When it is stable, that is a good thing. When it is high or low, it is bad for your health. When it is high, it’s called high blood pressure or hypertension. When it is low it’s called hypotension.

There are many things that can make blood pressure go high or low.

Some of these things are:

  • How thick the walls of the vessels are.
  • How much blood is being pumped by the heart
  • How much blood is going round the body
  • How thick the blood is.

Food in turn affect these things. When you eat the right food, it

  • let’s blood flow easily,
  • Widens the arteries and
  • makes blood pressure stable.

The important nutrients found in food that help blood pressure stay stable include:

  • Calcium
  • Anthocyanins
  • Nitric oxide
  • Omega-3s
  • Antioxidants
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Fiber

Food scientists noticed when meals contain any of these, it helps improve:

  • the artery walls
  • how thick blood is
  • how the heart pumps blood.

Many diets have fruits and vegetables intake but to get the nutrients mentioned above, I suggest using the DASH diet.

DASH stands for Dietary Approach To Stop Hypertension.

This diet has been proven by doctors and researchers to help stabilize blood pressure.

It has scientific backing.

Some doctors followed up patients who adopted this or similar diets. They saw that these patients completely eliminated and reversed their blood pressure issues and in some cases their heart issues.

So how does this work?
What do you need to do?
How much do you need to eat?
Is there a time frame to eat?
How long do you need to be on a dash diet before they can see changes?

You must devote a minimum of 90 – 180 days before you see results. The real benefits of a DASH diet comes when eating right becomes a lifestyle for you. Be consistent.

So how does it works.

  1. Make 30% of your meals, fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts.
  2. Cut out processed food.
  3. Cut out artificial seasonings
  4. Limit your salt intake. Use sea salt.

When it comes to how much you should eat? Make sure you are satisfied.

Hunger is the main reason you may find it difficult to continue eating healthy. Don’t think about how much you’re eating. Make sure you are satisfied when you eat. .

This eating plan requires you to have at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. . A serving is equal to a fist. A fist is your fingers and palm tightly closed together.

Here is the eating plan.

3-6 cups of raw leafy greens
2-3 cups of fresh frozen fruits
2-3 cups of dairy
1/2-1 cup of fish, poultry or meat daily that’s about a drumstick of chicken or third of a regular sized fish
1-1.5 table spoons of seeds daily
3-5 cups cooked whole grains daily
2 cups of raw/cooked/juiced vegetables daily
Garlic 1-2 cloves daily
1-2 cups of nuts weekly
2-3 teaspoons of oil daily
1 cup of legumes daily

You can add dark chocolates if you’re a sweet tooth.

Focus on fruits and vegetable juices in the mornings because your body is trying to remove waste

Focus on raw vegetables, oils, whole grains/legumes and other sources of proteins in the afternoon

Focus on cooked veggies and whole grains at night. Eat enough so you don’t wake up weak in the morning. Don’t eat till you’re full to the brim.

Keep the meals to fluids, semi solids and easily digestible foods in the morning and at night.

But how can anyone pull this off with local dishes?

Well that’s where I can help.

Simply comment below and I’ll set up a time where I’ll show you how to adapt the DASH diet to your local dishes.


  1. Please I’d like to know how to adapt the DASH Diet to my Local dishes & I’ll be glad if you could show me………

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