Doctors Are Saving Lives With Plant Based Food

When you visit the hospital, to complain about how you are feelicng, the doctor will ask you different questions. These questions help doctors find the reason why you feel the way you are.

In the end, they would usually give you a prescription. If the prescription is beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, that would seem strange, wouldn’t it?.

As a medical doctor, I will tell you this scenario happens all the time. There are health problems that have no textbook solution. In cases like these, a lot of doctors refer to plant-based food.

Why food?
Food is what makes up our cells and organs at the end of the day we are what we eat.

Why plant-based food?
Plants have the essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients required for healing.

Here are a few stories:

Dr. Brooke Goldner was just 16 years old when she was diagnosed with systemic lupus nephritis and stage IV kidney disease.

At stage IV, the kidney can’t do its regular function of removing waste from the body.

Systemic Lupus is when the body fights against itself and damages the kidneys.

For 10 years she struggled with this. She did not find a solution until she was 28.

She decided to remove animal products and processed foods from her diet.
She started drinking a lot of water and eating plant-based meals.

She recovered and even gave birth to two children.

Today, she helps guide patients who suffer from diabetes, lupus, and hypertension back to good health.

Here is another doctor’s story:

Dr. Angie Sadeghi, had fibromyalgia and eczema. Eczema is a skin disease. Fibromyalgia is a disease of the nerves and it’s very painful. She adopted a plant-based diet, lost 14kg in 8 months, and finally got relief.

Today she shows many patients how to lose weight and get their digestive system back to great condition.

Dr. Kim A. Williams, a former president of the American college of cardiology had a high cholesterol level at age 49. His cholesterol level was over 165.

He did not eat red meat or fried food but yet he had high cholesterol.
He noticed people who follow plant-based diets lived longer than meat-eaters and had lower rates of heart and kidney disease.
He started eating a plant-based diet. Within 6 weeks of changing his diet, his cholesterol level dropped. This change in his health made him change his approach to managing his patients.

These are some examples of doctors who learnt from their personal experiences that plant-based diets treat illnesses too.

The World Health Organization, found out that eating 50 grams of processed meat daily increased the risk of colorectal cancer by up to 18 percent.

50gm of meat daily is about ½ of a hot dog.

They also noticed that illnesses like Diabetes, liver disease, cardiovascular diseases, and colon cancer are all linked to eating meat.

I’m not saying “don’t eat meat”.

I am saying “eating the right diet helps you maintain good health.”

Let your medicine be your food.

Start eating right and give your body the power to heal itself.

I am having a free class where I will show you how to eat right by using plant-based diets to improve your immunity.

Secure your seat by clicking on this link.

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